
Our Blog

2016 Cabernet Trois

Jeff’s Corner 4-12-18 Lately, when I’ve been at the tasting bar and talking about our Cabernet Trois, I’ll mention that it has been sneaking into my glass for two and a half decades, since 1993.  Sometimes, when I distract Kathy, it sneaks in there two, maybe three times.

Jeff’s Corner Goes Down Memory Lane

Jeff’s Corner Believe it or not, I’m going to be brief this week and take somewhat of a personal slant. The handsome young man in the photo (on the right, not left) is Daniel Rios. Daniel was one of my most exceptional students when I was teaching in the Hospitality…

2016 Bellissimo

Jeff’s Corner 3-26-18 Hello, Hello, and one more Hello Wowser!  All of a sudden, there are lots of exciting new wines being released.  This is placing a serious burden on yours truly to write and drink (or is it drink and write) at a furious pace.  I’m going…

Shrimp Scampi with GCV Pinot Grigio

Ciao, Scampi! Wow, I really love cheap word play, and that’s pretty darn cheap. Last night I whipped up a really good (and really simple) shrimp scampi. We’ve not done a wine recipe in a while, so how about we check this one out. Scampi is an Italian word for the tail portion of almost any crustacean, from crayfish to lobster. We most often associate scampi with shrimp, however, and April 29 is celebrated as National Shrimp Scampi Day.