Our Blog

The “New” Trattoria

The “New” Trattoria – June 19, 2017 Recently, we changed the style of food service we offer at Grape Creek through our partnership with Stout’s kitchens. The new Trattoria is enclosed, remodeled, and upgraded. While our lunch menu still offers the Stout’s pizzas many members and guests love, we…

2017 Rendezvous

Jeff’s Corner

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

Here’s hoping everyone had a great Turkey Day yesterday and is enjoying a long, relaxing Thanksgiving weekend with friends and family. Our time together is fleeting, and should always be cherished.

Kathy and I spent a quiet day together that began with a lovely brunch of smoked salmon, bagels, cream cheese, capers, red onion and fresh fruit. This, by the way, paired wonderfully with a bottle of 2016 Heath Sparkling Adoration. The rest of the day was filled with memories, laughter, a few tears and the smell of pie baking and turkey roasting.

Festa Della Vendemmia

“The Celebration of the Grape Harvest” Join us for an intimate wine and culinary experience. Two Nights to Choose From: October 26th and November 2nd 7:00 – 9:30pm Exquisite culinary offerings from Stout’s paired with truly amazing wines from…

Wine Love Affair

Jeff’s Corner Hola and Hello. I’ve wanted to write this story for some time now, but somehow it always seemed to get pushed aside, but not today. A while ago, I was doing a tasting for a young man and I guess my passion was taking over and he asked me, “Exactly what is it that you like about wine so much?” Well, I have to admit, I was taken aback and stumbled through a pretty sloppy answer. All I knew was that I have had a life-long love affair with wine.