
Wine Releases

2016 Grand Rouge

Jeff’s Corner 7-6-17 Hello, Hello Here’s hoping everyone had a great July 4th and were able to enjoy a long, relaxing weekend with friends and family.  The vineyard was super busy four days in a row, with lots of happy guests and tired staff. Kathy and I drew the long…

2016 Rose of Malbec

Jeff’s Corner 6-15-17 Howdy all y’all out there, Last Saturday afternoon, we sadly said goodbye to our delightful 2015 Rose of Sangiovese, and gladly said hello to our new 2016 Rose of Malbec.  As I like to say, “it’s a real beauty”.  Our guests love it, and sales are brisk. …

Our 25th Anniversary with Cabernet Trois

Jeff’s Corner 5-11-17 Hello and Hello Years ago, Kathy and I were enjoying one of many great conversations we had with Ned Simes, the founder of Grape Creek. Ned was a visionary and a pioneer in the diaper years of the Texas wine industry. (One of my favorite writers said…

2015 Bellissimo

Jeff’s Corner 4-13-17 Once again, “Greetings from the Easter Binney!” Here’s hoping your holiday is good, whether celebrating Passover, Easter, or any other spiritual spring celebration. This year, Easter Sunday also celebrates year 37 of the beginning of my adventures with Kathy. This brings lots of pressure to perform in…