
Wine Releases

2017 Rosé of Malbec

Jeff’s Corner 4-26-18 Wowser! Last Saturday we released the new 2017 Rosé of Malbec on our tasting bars, and it literally stole the show.  Bottles were flying off the shelves, and it was in most everyone’s glass after work except mine, which just about killed me.  I always…

2016 Cabernet Trois

Jeff’s Corner 4-12-18 Lately, when I’ve been at the tasting bar and talking about our Cabernet Trois, I’ll mention that it has been sneaking into my glass for two and a half decades, since 1993.  Sometimes, when I distract Kathy, it sneaks in there two, maybe three times.

2016 Bellissimo

Jeff’s Corner 3-26-18 Hello, Hello, and one more Hello Wowser!  All of a sudden, there are lots of exciting new wines being released.  This is placing a serious burden on yours truly to write and drink (or is it drink and write) at a furious pace.  I’m going…

It’s Serendipity Time!

Jeff’s Corner 3-22-18 Hello to all on what is an extremely perfect first day of spring in the Texas Hill Country.  As I write, it is 71*, 18% humidity, and not a cloud in the sky.  The bluebonnets and other legions of wildflowers are reaching toward the sun, and…