
Wine Releases

2017 Cabernet Blanc

Jeff’s Corner 12-7-18 Today is “a date which will live in infamy” and these words spoken by FDR should ring as true as ever on the 77th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. Right now there is nothing more for me to write about this, our job is to remember… I am, however, supposed to write about wine, so here we go. GCV produces few wines that are more beloved and festive than our Cabernet Blanc. Today we’ll take a peak at the new 2017, and since this style of sweet rose was born from holiday tradition, let’s check out some cool history.

2016 Rendezvous

Jeff’s Corner 11-15-18 Once upon a time, in the southern part of the Rhone Valley in southeastern France, the flavor of wine was ruled by rival grape gangs. They were many in number and took pride in their vicious malevolence towards one another. They were ruthless and would do anything to control our entire palate.

2017 Muscat Canelli

Jeff’s Corner 10-27-18 Before we get going, I have to say Happy Birthday to my dearest friend of 53 years, Tommy “The Frump” Feuerbacher. By a rough estimate, we have enjoyed close to 5,000 beers together, and a number of laughs and tears equal to the stars in the sky. I love celebrating the Frumpsters B-Day; for the next 6 months he’s a year older than I. Today we’re going to talk about our soon to be released, sensually beguiling, 2017 Muscat Canelli. But, as you know, I love wine history. Here’s some pretty cool info about a very storied grape.