
Wine Releases

2019 Viognier

Jeff’s Corner 6/26/20 Hey, Hey, Hey,Today is Viognier day!Not too long ago I was doing a tasting and I described our GCV Viognier as “a richly textured, extremely layered wine.” Our guest asked me what I meant by “layered” (a great question, by the way), and I must admit I…

2019 Cab Blanc

Jeff’s Corner Hello, Hello, Hello, Our longest-tenured wine not only has a new label, it also has a new name! Our beloved Cabernet Blanc is now officially on record with the Feds as “Cab Blanc.” With the cost of new labeling, we figured we could save a little money on…

2018 Rendezvous

Jeff’s Corner 4-24-20

Hey, Hey, Hey,

Well, with our tasting rooms closed other than for purchases and Wine Club pick ups, I have been forced to work at home. No sympathy cards required, however, since working at home for me consists of drinking and writing about wine.

The week before we stopped (for the time being) doing tastings, we released the new Rendezvous to rave reviews and brisk sales. When the 2017 (which garnered a double gold medal at the San Francisco Chronicle competition) ran out, it was drinking as well as any of our wines, so if you have a bottle or two at home, pull the cork and enjoy.

2018 Serendipity

Jeff’s Corner

We are going to get down to some serious Serendipity stuff in a moment, but first I want to offer a very big personal and public thank you to everyone at Grape Creek for the unity and compassion we have extended to one another in these difficult times.

Not a day has gone by in the last month or so that Kathy and I have not been grateful to work for such a caring and generous company. So, here’s to Brian and Jennifer, Julie, John, Patrick, Christy and John, and everyone else that contributes to what truly is the “Grape Creek family”. Thank you all, from all of us!