
Wine Education

The Lifecycle of a Grape vine – Fruit Set

Jeff’s Corner 5-20-22 Howdy, everyone! Today we will talk about “fruit set,” which is the third installment in our five-part series on the life cycle of a grapevine. You can check out the first two parts, bud break and flowering, in earlier blogs. There are two main stages in the…

The Life Cycle of a Grape vine – Flowering

Jeff’s Corner 5-6-22 Not too long ago (Jeff’s Corner 4-1-22), we began a series on the critical stages in the life cycle of a grapevine. We talked about the vines coming out of dormancy and springing back to life with “bud break.” When flowering begins, the buds produce clusters of…

The Life Cycle of a Grape vine – Bud Break

Jeff’s Corner 4-1–22 Hello, Hello, Hello!Today is about as beautiful a spring day in the Texas Hill Country as one could possibly imagine. The temp is in the mid 80’s, the humidity around 15%, and there’s not a cloud in the sky. Spring is indeed a time of rebirth,“…breedingLilacs out…

Saccharomyces Ellipsoideus (yeast)

Jeff’s Corner Howdy, Hola, and Hello I was in the winery not long ago loving the smell of yeast and fermentation and fresh grape juice when I remembered a story about yeast I wrote a few years ago. So here it is again, one more time. The cute fable at the end was a story I told in my very first Jeff’s Corner, sometime in early 2010: