
Interesting Stories

SFCWC and Employee Event

Jeff’s Corner 1-25-18 Howdy, Howdy, and one more BIG Howdy! There’s been lots going on for January, so I thought we could take some time for a couple updates.  Last week, Kath and I returned from Sonoma where I was once again privileged to judge the San Francisco Chronicle Wine…

National Cabernet Day!

Jeff’s Corner 8-30-18 Hey Hey Hey, today is National Cabernet Day! (Actually, it’s probably National Cabernet Sauvignon Day, but I didn’t want to ruin my cheesy rhyme.) Now, the truth is, nobody gets excited about a National Fill-in-the-Blank Day unless the subject is something we are personally passionate about. National Liver and Onions Day slid by me without notice.

San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition

Jeff’s Corner 1-5-18 Hey Hey Hey Next week is the San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition, and once again I’ve been honored to be invited as a judge.  What a hoot!  The SFCWC is the largest (nearly 7000 entries from 35 states), and perhaps the most prestigious wine competition in the…

Happy New Year and Vineyard Update

Jeff’s Corner 12-28-17 Happy Happy Healthy Healthy New Year, Everyone! Another spin around the sun, with a new orbit just begun.  Sometimes lately, however, I feel the earth is speeding up while I am slowing down.  Ah, well… Anyway, onward through the vines with a special treat from our Vineyard…