Label Update
Jeff’s Corner
For ten years I’ve tried to distance Jeff’s Corner from the difficult times we live in and allow it to be a sanctuary for wine lovers where we (myself included) could immerse ourselves in our passion while we learn some things and hopefully have a few laughs.
The COVID-19 virus, however, has changed our lives in ways that were unimaginable a month ago, and I can’t sit here and type-away as if it hasn’t. What I can do is extend a warm and lasting hug to everyone and urge us to be safe, smart, patient and avoid fear and panic. To quote William Faulkner, “I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail.”
There is some exciting GCV news to talk about, however! Our 2018 red and 2019 white and sweet wines will boast a brand new (and really cool) label. You can check it out in this nifty photo that will be included with our April Wine Club allocation.
Having had such a long and rewarding relationship with GCV, I feel a special connection with all three of these labels.
The original grapevine label, with the cluster of grapes hanging from the top center of the ”G”, was the creation of our founder Ned Simes. The color of this label would vary from vintage to vintage; right now I’m looking at a 1995 Cabernet Trois with a green label. I also have an ’03 Cabernet Sauvignon named “Salute” in Ned’s honor with a purple label, and a very sweet Riesling in a blue bottle with a beige label.
In addition, we still have a couple of wine glasses with the old logo, and I once tried to rescue one of these from breaking and ended up with 8 stitches in my middle finger. Also, in my closet there are lots of old t-shirts which I really wish still fit. Oh, well…
When Brian bought GCV in February 2006, he knew it was time for a face lift. He created the grape cluster/creek logo that has branded our wine since the 2004 vintage. In our tasting room at the vineyard hangs a print showcasing the first two labels with this design. If my memory isn’t failing, they are the ’04 Mosaic (its inaugural vintage) and the ’05 Pinot Grigio. Also, note that in Ned’s day we were “Grape Creek Vineyard” and Brian implemented the subtle change to “Grape Creek Vineyards”.
This brings us front and center in our photo to the brand new and aesthetically sleek face of Grape Creek. Watch for it in your April Wine Club on the 2018 Serendipity, Bellissimo, and Rendezvous. We are all super-excited about this inspiring new design, and hope you will enjoy it as well.